dimarts, 25 d’octubre del 2016

Hi Júlia!!!!
Here we are again! As you know, on this month we celebrate Halloween and all your fans need you to write one thing.

They are making a compilation of magic potions and you'll have to write a recipe for a magic potion and explain what the potion would do if someone drank it.

You can use dictionaries and translators to make the recipe more scary using spooky adjectives.
 Be careful!! Don't use Google translator because it doesn't work very well.

Resultat d'imatges de recipe for magic potion
Resultat d'imatges de recipe for magic potion children
Resultat d'imatges de WITCHHere we send you a list of interesting vocabulary for your recipe and a
model of it.


See you again and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!

Resultat d'imatges de ANONIMO

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